NAME --------------------- Chris Pereira & Nick MarchittoE-MAIL --------------------- Chrisper4694@hotmail.com
DATE ---------------------- 6/25-6/26
TIMES --------------------- 9pm - 2am
CONDITIONS ------------- Cloudy/mild to clear/calm at about 1am
AREA FISHED ------------- Henderson Bay and cove
FISHING METHOD ------- Bottom fishing for cats and top water plugs for hybrids
BAIT/LURES USED ------- Hotdogs for cats and chugbugs, jitterbugs, rapalas for hybrids
NOTES --------------------- Nick and I got in my two-man kayak and started off while there was still a little bit of light and missed some top water strikes near lily pads. Figured maybe it was a good sign fish were active tonight. Tried a few different places fishing for cats and waiting/listening for herring/hybrids to start breaking on the surface. We weren't getting anything until Nick hooked his first channel cat from the kayak! Then nothing again until we found herring breaking the surface everywhere...then the hybrids showed up and started smashing them everywhere...and we couldn't get any hookups. A few strikes near misses on our lures, but that was about it. Very frustrating, hybrid feeding frenzy for about an hour and no fish on various top water lures :(
NAME --------------------- Phil WojcikE-MAIL --------------------- philipwojcik@yahoo.com
DATE ---------------------- June 19 2011
TIMES --------------------- noon
CONDITIONS ------------- Sunny
AREA FISHED ------------- Chestnut Point
FISHING METHOD ------- casting
BAIT/LURES USED ------- crank bait
NOTES --------------------- 38" tiger muskie in first 15 minutes today. Then quit while I was ahead.
NAME --------------------- Steven AvakianE-MAIL --------------------- sunfish113@aol.com
DATE ---------------------- June 16, 2011
TIMES --------------------- 5:30 to 2:00
CONDITIONS ------------- partly cloudy calm morning followed by breezy conditions
AREA FISHED ------------- Mainly woodport area
FISHING METHOD ------- spin casting and bait casting, no trolling
BAIT/LURES USED ------- worms, zoom fluke, koppers frog, spinnerbait
NOTES --------------------- On the lake for the first time this year as had been fishing NYC Watersheds all spring with awesome results so hard to leave it. Anyway I am no means an expert on Hopatcong but did manage a limit of bass but missed some opportunites for a really big bag. Most of quality fish came out of the thick milfoil on a frog. Had some great explosions on the frog of what some I missed and others I caught. Also caught fish on worm off docks, one n a fluke, and then later on a spinnerbait once the wind picked up. Then my trolling motor lift arm broke and that ended the day. Nice time for the first time out but wish I knew this lake better because of it's potential. Also would like to thank Skip Lerman for yet another great lecture at the last meeting. Always look forward to it.
NAME --------------------- MarkE-MAIL --------------------- mudtide@yahoo.com
DATE ---------------------- 6/5/2011
TIMES --------------------- 6:30-11:00
CONDITIONS ------------- overcast
AREA FISHED ------------- most of lake shorelin
FISHING METHOD ------- trolling
BAIT/LURES USED ------- various large plugs
NOTES --------------------- caught 1 tiger muskie nice fight! released it back into the lake.
NAME --------------------- Dick PedatiE-MAIL --------------------- rpedati1@optonline.net
DATE ---------------------- 6/4/11
TIMES --------------------- 9to11pm
CONDITIONS ------------- calm
AREA FISHED ------------- King Cove to state park
FISHING METHOD ------- casting
BAIT/LURES USED ------- stick baits
NOTES --------------------- Caught 2 stripers& 2 walleyes. Largest striper was 23" ,largest wally was 22"
NAME --------------------- Tony FarinaE-MAIL --------------------- farina1952@verizon.net
DATE ---------------------- 6.4.11
TIMES --------------------- 6:30 AM to 1:30 PM
CONDITIONS ------------- overcast and calm
AREA FISHED ------------- Yacht Club to Elba to Bonaparte
FISHING METHOD ------- drifting
BAIT/LURES USED ------- live line herring
NOTES --------------------- Day was almost a bust having missed two small mouth earlier, but at 1 PM off Elba caught a nice striper.
NAME --------------------- Phil WojcikE-MAIL --------------------- philipwojcik@yahoo.com
DATE ---------------------- 6/1/11
TIMES --------------------- 06:00 to 11:00
CONDITIONS ------------- Sun, few clouds, very calm
AREA FISHED ------------- Woodport, Racoon Isl., Bertrand Isl,. Chestnut Pt.
FISHING METHOD ------- Mainly casting to docks & to shore
BAIT/LURES USED ------- Variety
NOTES --------------------- Started slow, but then kicked in around 9am. Everything was average or small that was landed. Lg mouth, smallies, perch, rock bass, sunnies, 21" pickerel. About 20 fish caught. Best action off Chestnut on edge of dropoff on edge of weeds with rapala type deep divers. Some big ones missed in Woodport 5 feet within shore / docks on weedlesss plastics. Nice day of action and well before the storm came in later in the afternoon. Very nice with no traffic / waves on lake. Weeds are in full growth.