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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For April 2008           <'((><


Trolling for Striper Videos on 4/23/08:

Night Vision Striper

Night Vision Striper 2

A Couple More Stripers

The Big One

A Couple Walleye


NAME --------------------- matt ciampa

E-MAIL --------------------- mciampa@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/23/08

TIMES --------------------- 4-5 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- very nice

AREA FISHED ------------- canals

FISHING METHOD ------- bait with a bobber

BAIT/LURES USED ------- live worms

NOTES --------------------- fished from the bridges with my 5 year old son luke. he caught a bunch of sunnies and then the fun started. i set the hook for him and he expertly reeled in a 18" largemouth on his own. i couldn't have been more proud.


NAME --------------------- mike golabek

E-MAIL --------------------- mjgola50@aol.com

DATE ---------------------- apr 23

TIMES --------------------- 11 am 2 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- sunny warm and niot much wind

AREA FISHED ------------- great cove to chestnut point


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling along shore and casting to docks

BAIT/LURES USED ------- ugly duckling,rapalas and pheobes

NOTES --------------------- mike and don golabek and bill galese spent three nice hours of fishing in beautiful weather.4 pickerel 1 smallmouth and 5 trout. master baiter lou marcucci put us on the fish again and even shared some of roast pork lunch with me.thanks lou!!!!!!!!!!big fish of the day was caught by don on a rapala while casting to the shoreline.the big fish hit almost in the prop wash.my bro thought it was a musky at first.it turned out to be a 6 lb 2 oz brown trout his best ever from the lake.but still short of my current record 8 lb 15 oz that he netted for me back in 1993.


Video: Trolling for Pickerel During Contest 4/20/08


NAME --------------------- Mike Santoli

E-MAIL --------------------- mpsantoli@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/17/08

TIMES --------------------- 6am to 6pm

CONDITIONS ------------- great

AREA FISHED ------------- henderson, between islands, riverstyxx, byram, braby and state police


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- rapalas and phoebes

NOTES --------------------- In the begining trout would only hit lures way behind boat. Around 1pm they hit all the rods. Today was silver phoebe day. Same speed 2.4 to 2.52 mph. Returned all browns( almost). 19 trout 3 crappie, 5 pickerel and 1 largemouth. Caught 3lb 11oz rainbow. On retuening to dock one brookie turned out to be a brownie. Very light color, almost no spots and it's dorsel fin looked like it had a tag.


NAME --------------------- Michael Urban

E-MAIL --------------------- michaelurban@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- April 16, 2008

TIMES --------------------- 7:30 AM to noon

CONDITIONS ------------- Clear sky, cold about 38 degrees when started

AREA FISHED ------------- River Styx, Brady Bridge, State Park


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling silver and gold Phebes and then Rapalas

BAIT/LURES USED ------- trolling silver and gold Phebes and then Rapalas

NOTES --------------------- Monday was one of the best days on the lake and Wednesday was one of the worst. I had one fish follow my lure on a retrieve. There were two other boats that also told me they caught nothing. Hopefully things picked up in the afternoon.


NAME --------------------- Michael Urban

E-MAIL --------------------- michaelurban@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- April 14, 2008

TIMES --------------------- 8 AM to noon

CONDITIONS ------------- Clear sky, cold about 38 degrees

AREA FISHED ------------- Lee's, main lake to Brady's Bridge

WATER TEMPERATURE-- about 50 degrees

FISHING METHOD ------- trolling silver and gold Phebe's

BAIT/LURES USED ------- silver and gold Phebe's

NOTES --------------------- Didn't catch anything until I got to Brady's bridge and had some of the best fishing. Caught about 12 trout and lost a few. Released all fish. Most of the fish were brown trout with 1 rainbow and some of them about 14 to 15 inches and fat.


NAME --------------------- Steve Holick

E-MAIL --------------------- holick82@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 4/12 & 4/13

TIMES --------------------- Sat 4-7pm Sun 10am-3pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Sat-warm Sun-cold & windy

AREA FISHED ------------- From Lees cover to Brady's

WATER TEMPERATURE-- say around 50

FISHING METHOD ------- slow trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- phoebes & stick baits

NOTES --------------------- Took the boat out for the first time on Saturday with my dad. Picked up a couple nice walleyes 3&5lbs and a couple rainbows. Walleyes were caught with medium sized husky jerks and the trout on pheobes. Walleyes were caught around rocky points in about 15feet of water and the trout by Brady's.Went out on Sunday with my girlfriend and my fishing buddy bri. Picked up a couple more walleyes(my girlfriends first on artificial). Both around 2or3pounds. Then I got a rainbow(saving me from the skunk)over by Brady's. Wind made it a little tough to troll but we still managed a couple nice fish.


NAME --------------------- TEAM TRUGLIO AND FRIEND

E-MAIL --------------------- mtruglio@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 4-13-08

TIMES --------------------- 3pm to 6:30pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Cloudy-Cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Halsey,Brady Bridge


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling-Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Pheobes,Rapala,Fatheads

NOTES --------------------- Trolling was tuff in the wind switched to bait caught 31 crappies 2 rainbow trout 3 bass 2 pickeral the girls had alot of fun and thats what its all about.


NAME --------------------- Arches

E-MAIL --------------------- webguy@kneedeepclub.org

DATE ---------------------- 4/12

TIMES --------------------- 8am-noon

CONDITIONS ------------- warm

AREA FISHED ------------- shallow coves


FISHING METHOD ------- troll

BAIT/LURES USED ------- rapalas and phobes

NOTES --------------------- We trolled the warmest water we could find and caught a mixed bag of fish and got some on video:

Kids' Trolling Doubles

Rainbow Trout

Brown Trout

Rainbow Trout 2


Pickerel 2


NAME --------------------- Jim Salerno and Dan N

E-MAIL --------------------- jamesjsalerno@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/12/08

TIMES --------------------- 8: 18 - 2:46

CONDITIONS ------------- Warm and breezy

AREA FISHED ------------- Brady's Bridge, Henderson, Byram, Styx


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Phoebes, Rapalas and assorted Hooley-Gooleys

NOTES --------------------- The first sun beating of the season was at hand. A Brown and a Rainbow were the highlights, but also several Pickerel, and a Crappie (1 Lb+). I even saw the Fernandez family barge for the first time this year! The water temps are rising steadliy, so I anticipate this week will be a banner one for trout fishing. I'm extremely looking forward to the upcoming week, and the weather is looking illustrious. See ya out there.



E-MAIL --------------------- mtruglio@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 4-10-08

TIMES --------------------- 4:45pm to 7:30pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Warm,Sunny

AREA FISHED ------------- Halsey,River Styx


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Pheobes,Rapalas

NOTES --------------------- Nice couple of hours trolling the the lake 2 Rainbows and a mix of pickeral,bass and crappie the high light of the night and I know nobody is going to belive this but I saw Tim Clancy trolling for trout.


NAME --------------------- mike golabek

E-MAIL --------------------- mjgola50@aol.com

DATE ---------------------- 4/10

TIMES --------------------- 11 am 330 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- suny windy and warm

AREA FISHED ------------- northwood + halsey


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- phobe,ugly duckling,panter martin

NOTES --------------------- 3 brookies 3 browns and 1 rainbow lots of pickerel.thanks to lou and danny for putting us on the fish.main lake was dead.water too cold there i guess.


NAME --------------------- ed sr and chris mackin

E-MAIL --------------------- emackin@warshauer.com

DATE ---------------------- 4/6 4/7 4/8

TIMES --------------------- dark to dark

CONDITIONS ------------- flat calm

AREA FISHED ------------- all over the lake

FISHING METHOD ------- casting-jigging-trolling-bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- fat heads,rapalas

NOTES --------------------- had a few days off work this week so chris and i gave the lake 3 straight days of fishing.started out sunday catching perch and crappies up at the north end of the lake.made a move over to bradys about 1:00 and started picking at the crappies.i started throwing a black and silver huskey jerk.my 3rd cast i hooked my biggest muskey ever {47 in}.after a 45 min battle it was released unharmed. monday morning we took the boat out to do some jigging on some of the points and drops.no smallies but some nice walleyes.broke for lunch at about 1:00.got back to the boat to find out the state had just stocked a load of trout.it took us a while to find them but once we did it was a trout a cast.after awhile of that we went back to jigging and found more walleyes. tuesday we hit as many of the jigging spots as we could with all but a few having fish.what a great couple of days on the lake.


NAME --------------------- Dom Bizzari, Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Wed. 4/9

TIMES --------------------- 12 Noon to 3PM

CONDITIONS ------------- Nice

AREA FISHED ------------- Northwood, between the Islands


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Rapala,, Phoebes

NOTES --------------------- Got into the trout and pickerel this afternoon. Largest fish was a two pound brown caught by Dom.


NAME --------------------- Jim Salerno, Arizzo and Drew

E-MAIL --------------------- jamesjsalerno@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/8/08

TIMES --------------------- 5:30 - 7:00

CONDITIONS ------------- Very Sweet

AREA FISHED ------------- Halsey and Styx


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Trout

NOTES --------------------- Another 3 Browns, Pickerel and Perch in an hour and a half. Very glad I got out after work with a few friends. It was so nice out there, sun shining and slight breeze. The Trout went right on the plate, via Arizzo's Sesame Ginger Rub... also very sweet!!!


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Mon. 4/7

TIMES --------------------- 10am

CONDITIONS ------------- Overcast, cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Dow's, Windlass

FISHING METHOD ------- not fishing,stocking

NOTES --------------------- Members Jim Welsh, Pete Cusick, Pat Lange and myself assisted the state in stocking about 1500 Trout today. Some real nice fish. The largest about three pounds.


NAME --------------------- Jim Salerno and Brian Murphy

E-MAIL --------------------- jamesjsalerno@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/6/08

TIMES --------------------- 8: 12 - 1:08

CONDITIONS ------------- Cloudy and windy

AREA FISHED ------------- River Styx, Halsey, State Park


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Phoenbes and Rapalas

NOTES --------------------- Landed 2 Browns and a Brookie, and Pickerel. Best water temps found in River Styx Cove, but the action was around Halsey. Saw several club members out there chasing the trout. The 1st fish hoisted aboard "Lil' Extree" was Brian's, got some blood on the carpet, so now it's a fishing boat, and I'm sure there will be more messes maid. As one of the Directors told me, as soon as I got the new boat, "Don't sissify the thing." So far, I've adhered to that rule!


NAME --------------------- Pete/ Mike Pellegrino

E-MAIL --------------------- kdcmembership@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/5/08-4/6/08

TIMES --------------------- 8:00-3:00

CONDITIONS ------------- Cool and Windy

AREA FISHED ------------- Warm Coves


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Phoebes

NOTES --------------------- On Opening day we got 7 trout (mix of KDC and State), 4 pickerel with one over 3lbs, 1 small muskie (CPR), a couple of small bass and couple of crappie. Also went out Sunday morning for a few hours and got 3 trout (1 KDC Brown, 2 State Brookies) and a couple of pickerel. Things will get even better when the water warms up a little.


NAME --------------------- Tim Clancy

E-MAIL --------------------- tim.clancy@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- April 6th

TIMES --------------------- 4 PM --4:30 PM

CONDITIONS ------------- chilly

AREA FISHED ------------- friend's dock in Byram

FISHING METHOD ------- casting off dock

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Kast Master and Abu like spinner

NOTES --------------------- Stopped by a friend's house and said "there's fish down there right now". Shallow little cut out, gets sun all day and wind was blowing in. Was explaining to him that warmest water was best water even for trout this time of year and as I'm explaining it to him we can see fish breaking all over this little cove or inlet. I'm thinking it's crappies. Walk down to his boat house and grab 2 rods w/ whatever ever lures he had on them from the last time he fished (probably years ago). Walk out on dock and there's fish breaking water everywhere. Still thinking it's crappies but swirls seem to big. First cast 3 nice rainbows follow my Kast Master, all are snapping at my lure but short strikes and just missing. Slow down my retrieve and land first, a 15 in rainbow, another few casts all w/ follows and I land another same size. Then Bill gets a brown same size. We saw 20 other fish follow and this all happened in ten minutes. I had to go because my wife was waiting for me up at his house, but it was a blast. Fish the shallowest water you can reach that gets sun all day. Once the whole lake reaches 55 F it won't make a difference but until then fish shallow, slow and late day sun. Wind blowing in is even better. All fish returned. Remember report any tagged trout


NAME --------------------- Tyler LaMantia

E-MAIL --------------------- tlotj99@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/05/08

TIMES --------------------- 11;30 -1:00 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- sunny and breezy

AREA FISHED ------------- great cove

FISHING METHOD ------- dock

BAIT/LURES USED ------- rooster tails and rapalas

NOTES --------------------- Caught a total of eight fish (7 browns and 1 brook). Yellow rooster tail was the lure of choice today. Biggest fish @ 16 inches.


NAME --------------------- Mike Santoli

E-MAIL --------------------- mpsantoli@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 4/1/08

TIMES --------------------- 7am to 1pm

CONDITIONS ------------- windy and rain

AREA FISHED ------------- great cove, riverstyxx, byram and between the islands


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- rapalas and phoebes

NOTES --------------------- The rain and wind made it hard to have fun. But the first fish made it a joy. After 2 hours I caught a 5lb brown after a long fight on 4lb test line.Caught 4 other browns. The fish all were caught at a temp break. If I could find a difference of .8 to 1 degree warmer water I got hits. Otherwise the fish were just pushing the lure out of the way. Had lots of these short strike All fish browns and all returned unharmed.






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