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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For July 2007           <'((><


NAME --------------------- Chris Anderson

E-MAIL --------------------- redwulf1@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- July 28th, 2007

TIMES --------------------- 5:30am - 11:00am

CONDITIONS ------------- cloudy,muggy,cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Byram, Henderson bay


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling, casting

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shallow raider, bucktail, tiger frenzy

NOTES --------------------- After 2 hours of trolling weed lines for Muskie, I came up with 3 chain piks. Sizes 1- 2lbs hitting the shallow raider. Good thing about this lure is it stays just above the weeds with good down rigger control. The bucktails in very large sizes do well also with less weed cleaning.

With no luck yet trolling for Muskie I stopped and started casting with the tiger color Frenzy(suspended). On second cast over some shallow rock piles all I saw was a huge tail make a turn at the lure then the line went limp with no lure on the end ( those who have had first experience with this fish must know this feeling!). What I learned however is it seems these fish do share the same habitat where you look for pickerel.

P.S. Todays article in the Daily Record shared that the States DEP Asst Commissioner has assured the Lake Commission that a more permanent form of funding will be forthcoming ( maybe boat fees).

Webguy's Note: When muskie fishing use leaders made of wire or heavy flourocarbon to prevent bite-offs, lost fish, and lost lures.


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Sunday, 7/22

TIMES --------------------- 6AM to 10AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Nice Morning

AREA FISHED ------------- The Ridge, Sharps Rock & Pickerel Pt.


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- One of my best mornings on the lake. Caught four Stripers up to four pounds, one Walleye and about a dozen Smallmouths the biggest was a 3lb. 9oz. that I weighed in, also had what must have been a Muskie on for about 2 minutes before it broke me off.


NAME --------------------- Harold Mabee

E-MAIL --------------------- hfmabee@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- 07/15

TIMES --------------------- 5 am - 9 am

CONDITIONS ------------- calm to light breeze

AREA FISHED ------------- Sunrise Point


FISHING METHOD ------- live bait with a slip sinker

BAIT/LURES USED ------- herring

NOTES --------------------- It was a great weekend for the hybrid striper contest. Both days had calm early mornings and the skiers and skadoers stayed away for the most part until around 8 am. On the subject of skiers, do you think they purposely ride through areas where there are fishing boats? The water around Sunrise Point look like a Knee Deep free give away zone by 6 am. Even the King of the stripers, Dominick, was there waiting for one of those rockets. At one point, there were 12 boats fishing. Eddie Mackin must have been there before the bats went to bed, because he was smack in the middle and the closest to shore. I didn't have much luck the first day, but on Sunday caught a striper that gave me a battle. When the quick release let go, I moved the other poles out of the way and when the fish was close to the boat, I was glad not to have other lines in the way to tangle. When I set the hook, the rocket took off straight for another boat. Luckily, he didn't get tangled, but came very close. At one point he was already past the other boat. I don't have to tell you how he fought,but each time it seems like it was harder than the last fight. It weighed in at 7lb 2oz and measured close to 30". Only one fish, but it was great.


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- This past week

TIMES --------------------- Morning

CONDITIONS ------------- Not Bad

AREA FISHED ------------- Main Lake Points


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- The Smallmouth Bass fishing has been just great all week, had several fish 17 inches or better plus many smaller fish. All the points are holding fish about fifteen feet down in twenty to twenty three foot of water.









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