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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For May 2007           <'((><


NAME --------------------- Tony Farina

E-MAIL --------------------- farina1952@verizon.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/27

TIMES --------------------- 5:30-11:30 AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Calm

AREA FISHED ------------- Pickerel Pt to Henderson


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling and Live Bait Drift Fishing

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Rapalas and Herring

NOTES --------------------- Trolled for a few hours from Pickerel Pt to Henderson with just a bunch of weeds to show for it.Switched to herring with a small barrel swivel and 30 in leader.Drifted off Elba for a few hours and got a Striper just over 7 Lbs about 9:30.Made up for the last three times I got skunked.


NAME --------------------- Steve Holick & Brian Favara

E-MAIL --------------------- holick82@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 5/24

TIMES --------------------- 6-8pm

CONDITIONS ------------- mostly calm

AREA FISHED ------------- main lake 12-20 feet of water

WATER TEMPERATURE-- probably low 60's

FISHING METHOD ------- drifting

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring/top water plugs/pheobes

NOTES --------------------- The first day out on the "fishing machine" this year started a little slow. That all changed on the second drift when my buddy bri got a state stocked brown. A couple minutes later my line shot out from my strike guard and I knew what was on the other end, striper. A split second later bri's pole bent down into the water also. I had my drag set pretty loose but this fish had no problem crushing my six pound test off(probably gonna go with the 10pound braided next time). At least bri ended up landing his after a decent fight, probably about 4pounds 20 inchs. Luckily I redeemed myself with a decent size smallmouth at a little under 3pounds. In the end it wasn't a bad day out on the lake.


NAME --------------------- John Fernandez & Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Wed. 5/23

TIMES --------------------- 7AM to 10AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Nice Morning

AREA FISHED ------------- Byram Bay & Great Cove


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- Just a great morning on the lake. We went through four dozen bait at two stops. Caught Walleye,Smallmouth,Largemouth,Trout and plenty of perch in between. Largest fish was the Walleye pictured below.


NAME --------------------- mike & don golabek

E-MAIL --------------------- mikejeangolabek@webtv.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/22/07

TIMES --------------------- 7am-12

CONDITIONS ------------- great

AREA FISHED ------------- raccoon,halsey,great cove,davis cove and alba point


FISHING METHOD ------- trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- phoboe-ugly duckling-rapalas

NOTES --------------------- lots of weeds hampered trolling.one small rainbow and an assortment of pickerel and bass.saw fish breaking but no takers.lou marccucis secret spots not good today.saw carlo rossi take a huge walleye at rock point of halsey isle.looked like a 10 pounder.donzi boat out of davis cove really moves fast.


NAME --------------------- Pete Pellegrino and Parris Weingartner

E-MAIL --------------------- kdcmembership@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/20/07

TIMES --------------------- 5:00am - 4:00pm

CONDITIONS ------------- overcast in am sunny breezy pm

AREA FISHED ------------- Main lake to Byram

FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- sticks and metal

NOTES --------------------- Caught two trout during the trout contest and 5 stripers. Two of the stripers were a double header. Also came across a BIG dead Walleye floating in the main lake. I netted him to weigh but my digital scale didn't work. It measured 30 inches and probably went 10lbs


NAME --------------------- John Fernandez & Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/14

TIMES --------------------- 6AM to 10AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Not Bad

AREA FISHED ------------- Bertrand Island, Henderson and Byram


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait & Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring, Sticks & Metal

NOTES --------------------- Started out with bait with little to show for our effort. Switched over to trolling and had several hits right away but no fish in the boat. Made a final pass in Byram when John caught the Trout pictured below. Weighed in a 4pounds 6 ounces.


NAME --------------------- Kenny and Jon

E-MAIL --------------------- kschmier@aol.com

DATE ---------------------- 5/10/07

TIMES --------------------- 8:30 to 1:30

CONDITIONS ------------- cloudy in the morning then sunny

AREA FISHED ------------- Landing and Henderson cove


FISHING METHOD ------- on Jons boat

BAIT/LURES USED ------- stick and spinners

NOTES --------------------- this was a awesome day, i caught 18 largemouth, 2 smallmouth, 2 rock bass and 3 pickerel. Jon caught 2 largemouth and 1 pickerel. the largest bass was jons at 3lbs


NAME --------------------- Carl Platvoet

E-MAIL --------------------- patheredia@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 5/8

TIMES --------------------- 8PM- Midnight

CONDITIONS ------------- calm

AREA FISHED ------------- points


FISHING METHOD ------- casting

BAIT/LURES USED ------- stickbaits

NOTES --------------------- We went out at 8PM and we got a few small Walleyes. I got a 4lb 2oz Small Mouth.


NAME --------------------- mike & don golabek and bill galese

E-MAIL --------------------- mikejeangolabek@webtv.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/7/07

TIMES --------------------- 8am-2pm

CONDITIONS ------------- clear and calm

AREA FISHED ------------- great cove,chestnut point,davis cove


FISHING METHOD ------- flatline trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- pheobe, ugly duckling,rapala

NOTES --------------------- thanks to lou marcucci for pointing us in the right direction to his secret spots.don got a 5 lb 10 oz brown to start the day.we caught six state browns and rainbows total and some pickerel and bass mixed in.dons brown knocked my 5 lb brown off 3rd place in kdc yearlong contest.get out while fishing is good


NAME --------------------- Chuck & Stephane Meunier

E-MAIL --------------------- cmeun@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 05/06/2007

TIMES --------------------- 10am to 130 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- breezy

AREA FISHED ------------- Brady bridge and near the fire boat


BAIT/LURES USED ------- Jigs and spinners

NOTES --------------------- Caught 2 small largemouth bass . Was pretty breezy did pick up a lot of nice new takle floating thru brady bridge. Someone must have dropped there takle box overboard.


NAME --------------------- mike & don golabek

E-MAIL --------------------- mikejeangoabek@webtv.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/4/07

TIMES --------------------- 8am 1 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- sunny

AREA FISHED ------------- davis cove.great cove.racoon island




NOTES --------------------- after three skunks don outfished me 5 to 1 on the trout.2 kdc browns and 4 state fish.fish turned on just as we were leaving.maybe an afternoon trip next time.feedback is stripers and walleye doing great at night and stop feeding at daylight.
just an addition to previous report.tagged kdc brown i caught friday was #1121 which is my birthday.how's that for conflugence? laurie verified the number and lou marcucci informed me that it also was worth 100 bucks!!!! carlos rossi donated the prize money which i told lou to give it back to the kdc club.


NAME --------------------- Team Truglio

E-MAIL --------------------- mtruglio@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 5/3/07

TIMES --------------------- 5pm to 8pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Nice light breeze

AREA FISHED ------------- Brady,Racoon Island,River Styx


FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Rapala,Pheobes

NOTES --------------------- 1 KDC Rainbow trout 1lb 4oz 3 Pickerel 3 Perch 10 Crappies a Couple of Crappies over a pound all fish released to fight another day. A nice 3 hours on the lake.


NAME --------------------- Harold Mabee

E-MAIL --------------------- hfmabee@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- May 1, 2007

TIMES --------------------- 8:00 AM till 2:30 PM

CONDITIONS ------------- Calm/Slight Breeze

AREA FISHED ------------- Along Windlass, Prospect Point, Woodport, Between Islands

WATER TEMPERATURE-- Main Lake 53, Woodport 62

FISHING METHOD ------- Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Phoebes and Raps

NOTES --------------------- Started slow ended slower. First fish around 10:00am, Largemouth and a Pick. Crappies and Perch in Woodport. First Trout off Prospect Pt. (a small state brown). Then a nice Pick (3.5 lbs). Where were you during the pick contest? Another small pick, with a Muskie that followed it to the boat. Clouds came over and I headed in.







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