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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For February 2007           <'((><


NAME --------------------- mike golabek

E-MAIL --------------------- mikejeangolabek@webtv.net

not a fishing report but congratulations to the membersof kdc who won first place skillfull anglers awards with fish from lake hopatcong.!!!!!! check out n.j.division of fish and wildlife website: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/skwinn06.htm


NAME --------------------- Jeff T

E-MAIL --------------------- trx450pro@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- Feb. 25

TIMES --------------------- 6:45- 11 am

CONDITIONS ------------- Breezy 16-30 degrees

AREA FISHED ------------- Great cove


FISHING METHOD ------- Tip ups

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Shiners

NOTES --------------------- Very slow morning. One Flag first thing landing a pencil pickeral and figured maybee today could be the day. Then from that moment till the time we picked up we went without a flag. Slow day but decent weather and good ice. Nice to see Brian Toast and Jimmy W out there. Hopefully the bight picks up after the storm....


NAME --------------------- Jack Muha

E-MAIL --------------------- jmuha@csc.com

DATE ---------------------- 17 Feb

TIMES --------------------- 0730-1530

CONDITIONS ------------- Sun/Clouds 20's

AREA FISHED ------------- State Park

WATER TEMPERATURE-- 10-12 inches ice

FISHING METHOD ------- Tipups and jigging

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring and jigs

NOTES --------------------- Fished with my brother-in-law Bob. Lots of activity throughout the day. Caught 25-40 sunfish and perch combined, one crappie, and several pickeral jigging. Caught five pickeral and one large mouth bass (2lbs) on tipups. A nice day on the ice.


NAME --------------------- Ed Mackin, Aj Lambert, Dan Lehr and spec. guest "Don Dolittle"

E-MAIL --------------------- eddiemackin@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- 2/11

TIMES --------------------- 7:30am til dark

CONDITIONS ------------- sunny breeze

AREA FISHED ------------- main lake


FISHING METHOD ------- tip up - jigging

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shinners

NOTES --------------------- We started in a new place on the main lake and we didnt start off hot. The only fish that were caught was Don with a few nice walleye. But he was the only one who got them. Then after a few very slow hours we decided to move into some shallower water and we caught perch and pickeral. At dusk picking up our tip ups AJ's tip up went up and it was indeed another musky. It was the same lenght but didnt have the same weight. THe one yesterday weighed a solid couple more punds. BUt both excellent fish.We Totaled over all 25 yellow perch, 3 pickeral,4 walleyes, 1 Tiger Musky, 1 Tru Strain Musky. Another good day.


NAME --------------------- Ed Mackin, Aj Lambert, Dan Lehr and spec. guest "Don Dolittle"

E-MAIL --------------------- eddiemackin@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- 2/10

TIMES --------------------- 7:30am til dark

CONDITIONS ------------- sunny breeze

AREA FISHED ------------- hederson cove and River styx

WATER TEMPERATURE-- 8inchs ice , 10 in some places

FISHING METHOD ------- tip up - jigging

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shinners

NOTES --------------------- We had an early start and we got barley anything all morning.Then around 12pm we fired up the grill to have a burger and the tip-up next to the grill went up. AJ ran over to the tip up and set the hook and then signaled to us to be a good fish.After a couple minutes of hand to hand combat, the fish finally showed itself.I reached my hand down the hole and grabbed the muskie and brought it up. We measurd and took the pics and let go. It was such a rush. The fish measurd at 44inch a problay like 25lbs. Beauty fish. Ajs first muskie.Then Aj and I went to River styx and we got 4 pickeral, 10 perch, and a fish that cut the line as soon as i set the hook. Just another great day.


NAME --------------------- Greg Birrer, Doug Enslen & guest Chris Marino

E-MAIL --------------------- tsbirrer@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 2-10-07

TIMES --------------------- 6:30 - 5:30

CONDITIONS ------------- upper 20's, wind increasing out of the west

AREA FISHED ------------- River Styx


FISHING METHOD ------- tipups

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Medium Shiners

NOTES --------------------- 11hrs on the ice. Tipups were slow but steady throughout the day. Totals - caught about 10 perch (one near 12 inches long) 1 Crappie (12 in. long), 7 pickerel and one 28 inch Tiger Muskie, and almost had a duck.


NAME --------------------- Pete Cusick & Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Wed.2/7

TIMES --------------------- 9:30 to 12Noon

CONDITIONS ------------- Sun & Wind

AREA FISHED ------------- Woodport

WATER TEMPERATURE-- 10 inches of Ice

FISHING METHOD ------- Jigging

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Rapala & Bad Dog

NOTES --------------------- We had intentions of putting some tip-ups out , but when we got out there the wind was blowing snow into the holes and just made it to cold for tip-ups. Caught some Perch. The main lake has improved somewhat, but there are still several pockets of open water throughout the main lake.


NAME --------------------- Webguy and Tony D'Alauro

E-MAIL --------------------- webguy@kneedeepclub.org

DATE ---------------------- 2/3

TIMES --------------------- 7-noon

CONDITIONS ------------- cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Woodport

FISHING METHOD ------- tip-ups and jigs

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shiners and maggots

NOTES --------------------- I met up with Tony for his first time ice fishing. We got 8 perch, a bass, a crappie, a pickerel, and a couple sunfish.

I also got some on video:

Lookers Under The Ice (5 mb)

Perch Under The Ice (1 mb)

Tony's Perch (4 mb)

Pickerel (5 mb)




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