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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For January 2007           <'((><


NAME --------------------- Dan Lehr & Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Sunday, 1/28

TIMES --------------------- 10AM to 2PM

CONDITIONS ------------- Sunny & Mild

AREA FISHED ------------- Woodport

WATER TEMPERATURE-- 5 to 6 inches of ice

FISHING METHOD ------- Jigging & Tip-Ups

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Shinners

NOTES --------------------- Caught several Perch two Pickerel and a Largemouth Bass. Dan's Pickerel was the fish of the day pictured below at 25 inches and 3-1/4 pounds:


NAME --------------------- Brad "perch" Garie; "Tip-up" Bob, Don "Basshole" Geiss and Billy "Banger"

E-MAIL --------------------- bradley.garie@pica.army.mil

DATE ---------------------- 1/27/06

TIMES --------------------- 8-5

CONDITIONS ------------- nice

AREA FISHED ------------- State Park


FISHING METHOD ------- tip-ups

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shiners and jigs

NOTES --------------------- Some open water near us...be careful!!
We all caught fish. Pickerel, perch and Bob caught a 26in. healthy Tiger. All released. Ice skaters joined us for food and Blackberry.


NAME --------------------- Webguy, Pat, Lou, Pete, and Fred

E-MAIL --------------------- webguy@kneedeepclub.org

DATE ---------------------- 1/27

TIMES --------------------- 7am-noon

CONDITIONS ------------- cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Woodport

FISHING METHOD ------- tip-ups and jigs

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shiners and maggots

NOTES --------------------- I met Pat at 6:30, we set up our tip-ups, and caught some fish. The other guys came out and joined us one at a time and jigged. We got some nice perch and bass along with some pickerel and sunfish. Lou had the surprise fish of the morning with this walleye:


NAME --------------------- Nick Marcucci & Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Tuesday 1/23

TIMES --------------------- 8AM to 2PM

CONDITIONS ------------- Sunny & Mild

AREA FISHED ------------- Eastern Dry Rocks, Key West


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Threadfin Herring

NOTES --------------------- Spent some time fishing with Nick, caught lots of Snapper and Grouper. The best fish of the week was the eight foot Moray Eel pictured below.


NAME --------------------- Webguy

E-MAIL --------------------- webguy@kneedeepclub.org

DATE ---------------------- 1/21

TIMES --------------------- 7:30-12:30

CONDITIONS ------------- cool

AREA FISHED ------------- Landing

FISHING METHOD ------- tip-ups and jigs

BAIT/LURES USED ------- shiners and maggots

NOTES --------------------- Made it on the ice with the Lehr Clan for a while. There was 2-1/2 to 3 inches of ice where we fished, next weekend should be better.

Thin Ice Pickerel (1mb video)


NAME --------------------- bill and Carl

E-MAIL --------------------- patheredia@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 1/4

TIMES --------------------- 8-4

CONDITIONS ------------- little windy

AREA FISHED ------------- Chestnut


FISHING METHOD ------- jigging

BAIT/LURES USED ------- jigs

NOTES --------------------- We got the year off to a good start. A few small stripers and Bill got A Catfish 11lbs 12ozs.



2006 KDC Fishing Reports

2005 KDC Fishing Reports

2004 KDC Fishing Reports

2003 KDC Fishing Reports

2002 KDC Fishing Reports

2001 KDC Fishing Reports

2000 KDC Fishing Reports

1999 KDC Fishing Reports