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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For September 2006           <'((><


NAME --------------------- Andrew Harsanyi

E-MAIL --------------------- andrew_harsanyi@ibi.com

DATE ---------------------- 9/23/06

TIMES --------------------- 8:30 to 10:30AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Overcast, occasional drizzle, slight wind, 70's I think

AREA FISHED ------------- main lake over deep water

FISHING METHOD ------- trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- large, deep diving crank baits

NOTES --------------------- Got a really fat true strain of 40 inches (actually 39.5 but don't tell anyone :). Great leap - completely out of the water 50 feet from boat, gills flaring. Was able to unhook the fish in the net (in the water). Brought him in the boat for a quick measurment and then released him directly from the net. Nothing like having a really big net. He took off stronger than ever. I am sure using muskie tackle helped. I learned the hard way what really light tackle can do to a fish (I once caught a large hybrid on 4 lb. test that didn't make it after release). No camera for the muskie, unfortunately. What a great lake!


NAME --------------------- Richard and Trisha Kappler

E-MAIL --------------------- captrk1045@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 9/16/06

TIMES --------------------- 5-930pm

CONDITIONS ------------- warm and calm

AREA FISHED ------------- Yacht Club


FISHING METHOD ------- live line

BAIT/LURES USED ------- herring

NOTES --------------------- Finally got my big striper! Weight unknown but 26 inches long, great night. also caught a 18 inch walleye and 3 crappies. thanks to everyone for their advice


NAME --------------------- Rob, Bill, Jon and Kenny

E-MAIL --------------------- Kschmier@aol.com

DATE ---------------------- 9/9

TIMES --------------------- 7:00 to 10:00 pm

CONDITIONS ------------- little windy

AREA FISHED ------------- Yatch Club


FISHING METHOD ------- flat line herring

BAIT/LURES USED ------- herring

NOTES --------------------- it was a nice night so we went fishing for some stripers. We cought a bunch of catfish and 3 nice stripers. 6lbs 11oz, 5lbs 10oz and 5lbs 5oz. all fish (except the catfish) were filleted and released


NAME --------------------- Bob and Tom

E-MAIL --------------------- tfengine10@msn.com

DATE ---------------------- 9-7-06

TIMES --------------------- 7:30 to 10:00am

CONDITIONS ------------- calm

AREA FISHED ------------- Davis Cove

FISHING METHOD ------- live line

BAIT/LURES USED ------- herring

NOTES --------------------- From 7:30 to 9:30 the action was almost non stop. We boated 15 stripers in all.They were all small the biggest about 4lbs. Alot of fun anyway.


NAME --------------------- Michael Urban

E-MAIL --------------------- michaelurban@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- September 4, 2006

TIMES --------------------- 11 AM to 2 PM

CONDITIONS ------------- cloudy, cool and windy at times - temps 70 to 75

AREA FISHED ------------- Byram Cove

FISHING METHOD ------- anchored live herring off the bottom in about 15 to 20 feet water

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- Caught 2 very nice fat smallmouth, one small smallmouth and a small large mouth. Lauri recommended using small herring she had set aside. The large fish were nice jumping and fight nicely. All fished returned. Not bad for about 3 hours.


NAME --------------------- Chris Anderson

E-MAIL --------------------- redwulf1@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 9/2/2006

TIMES --------------------- 7:30am - 11:00am

CONDITIONS ------------- Breezy, slow clearing

AREA FISHED ------------- Barnes Ridge


FISHING METHOD ------- float / live lining

BAIT/LURES USED ------- herring

NOTES --------------------- Ernesto came and went leaving a beautiful slow clear Saturday morning. Found a sonar position that went from a large 8 -10ft deep area into a fast 25- 35ft drop off area. Anchored in the shallow area facing the deep drop off and ran 2 float lines ( 8 -10FT)with one live line over the drop off. Within one hour hit two small stripers 2-3lbs, then around 9:30 tied into a very big striper. Only issue was my drag set was way tighter then my bait clicker drag and so you guys know the rest. Lake is starting to cool down so the thermocline is getting bigger.











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