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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For February 2006           <'((><


The Knee Deep Club Does Not Monitor Ice Conditions
Use Common Sense - Safety First


NAME --------------------- Joe Ryan

E-MAIL --------------------- JRYANXCE@OPTONLINE.NET

DATE ---------------------- 2/15/2006

TIMES --------------------- Just before lunch

CONDITIONS ------------- Cool but calm

AREA FISHED ------------- Nolans Point

FISHING METHOD ------- Spinning Rod with 4# test line

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Shinner

NOTES --------------------- Walley Euart, a former resident of Landing and his uncle Vinny were fishing off Nolan's point in a row boat rented from Dows (powered by a 1948 3.3 HP Evinrude). Walley caught a 44" Musky that weighed 22 lbs. Although Walley lives in PA and is not a member of the Knee Deep Club, I still thought it would be worthwile to inform the members of this catch.


NAME --------------------- Jim Archambault

E-MAIL --------------------- webguy@kneedeepclub.org

DATE ---------------------- 2/4/06

TIMES --------------------- 7-3pm

CONDITIONS ------------- cloudy then windy and rain

AREA FISHED ------------- main lake


FISHING METHOD ------- troll

BAIT/LURES USED ------- cranks

NOTES --------------------- I trolled deep water most of the day dodging icebergs early on...

that moved around and dissipated as the day wore on...

didn't catch anything so decided to take a different approach when the ice cleared. The last 2 hours I trolled closer to the drop-offs in shallower water as the wind picked up and rain started. I basically gave up on the day and began trolling back to the launch giving myself until 3pm before pulling the lines and motoring back. At 2:55 pay dirt:

46 inch muskie just as the weather started to get ugly so I packed it in and went home happy...and a little cold and wet, but happy!




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