The Knee Deep Club held its annual William G Clark Children’s Fishing Outing on Saturday, September 25th, 2010, at the Jefferson Pond on Weldon Road in Jefferson. Many children participated, and refreshments were served. The children, with assistance by many club trustees and members, all caught several fish each, including Catfish, Sunfish and Largemouth Bass. Although this was not a competitive contest, the biggest fish was caught by Dalton Povilaitis, a 2 Lb 13 Oz Catfish. This annual event, sponsored by the Knee Deep Club, is held in the memory of Bill Clark, a past trustee of the club, an avid outdoorsman. The pond was dedicated Bill’s memory on July 14th, 2007. Bill’s vision for this pond was to have a “Fishing Education” pond, where children, 16 years and younger can come to learn the basics of fishing, and to promote the catch and release method of fishing.
Kaitlin Dempsey with her Largemouth Bass
Dalton Povilaitis with his 2 Lb 13 Oz Catfish
Mark and Zachary Cusick
Group photo of all the young participants
The rod and reel door prize winners (L to R) Madisyn Phillips, Connor Dempsey and Kaitlin Dempsey